Thursday, February 11, 2010

WHAT'S UP / CRUISER Alberta Street

It was the last Thursday of June, and the pavement of Alberta street was blanketed by the feet of countless people, all together for this once a month gathering that takes place each last Thursday during the warm season on Alberta. The street was lined with street musicians and artists selling their works. Suddenly, in the middle of the street an electric band had set up. Two electric bands. What's up? and Cruiser. Soon a very diverse crowd had assembled around the bands as they played a very brief set, expecting at any time to be asked to stop by local police. Robby, Teddy, and Brian (What's Up?) started the set, and alternated with Dave and Andy (Cruiser), mostly two songs for two songs. This was devised as sort of a safety net in case the show were to get cut short since there was a new rule of no amplified music outdoors, and ensured both bands would get to play. I had the mics too hot at first, so the recording begins blown out, but cleans up shortly after. This is one of my favorite recordings.

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