Tuesday, December 8, 2009


here is Afternoon Brother again, same set as Someday's, but at a house party. the tape i used was pretty jacked (i had run out of unused tapes), but only in sections, and weirdly, seems to get crunchy in all the right places. these songs are so good, i felt it necessary to post both of the nearly identical shows played by Afternoon Brother. Jon Bafus, Michael Saalman, and Erik Woodard here. 10-10-07. prepare yourself. this is in my top 3 favorite recordings.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ezra it's Dan from Quasar Abode, just wanted to stop by and say the blog is lookin good, great idea. I also wanted to know if you still had that recording of the show we played this summer at Zeidman's house...probably shouldn't leave this as a comment but I couldn't find your email on here so here it is. Anyway let me know if you still have that, hope all is well.
